Portfolio Goals:
 - To create a strong portfolio that I can present professionally or to anyone as an introduction to myself as an artist
 - To create a portfolio that depicts all of my best projects, along with my inspiration for them so that the audience may learn something about me in the process
 - To effectively communicate that I have a wide variety of skills that have been expressed and utilized through my various projects
 - To create a biography that isn’t too long and boring, while still conveying all the important information about me
 - To present the highest quality documentation and pictures of my art pieces so that people can get the full experience of seeing them as is possible digitally
Capstone Goals:
 - To create an installation that leaves a lasting impact on the environment in which it is installed
 - To create an art piece that truly makes people feel some sort of strong emotional reaction in response
 - To create a project that makes every person who sees it think and re-evaluate something about themselves in some way
 - To create an art piece with a message that can be viewed multiple times across years without losing its meaning
 - To incorporate some form of 3D printing along with digital fabrication to make this installation set itself apart from the surrounding environment
 - To incorporate consistent elements from my other projects (Hands, strong contrast, duality, motion, and depth)
- To create an art piece that is both eye-catching and thought provoking
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